Loan Guarantee Program

AIDEA offers terms of:

  • 180 days for a post-shipment export transaction; and
  • 270 days for a pre-shipment export transaction;
  • One year if secured by inventory or accounts receivable and a non-export transaction;
  • Five years if working capital or unsecured by waiver;
  • 15 years if secured by tangible personal property;
  • 20 years if secured by real property;

Project must be in Alaska and majority-owned by an Alaska resident.


How To Apply

The first step is to contact an AIDEA eligible financial institution.

  • The financial institution, after its approval of the loan, applies to AIDEA for a guarantee.
  • AIDEA loan officers underwrite the financial institution’s loan package.
  • If approved, AIDEA issues a guarantee certificate to the originating financial institution.


  • A $250 non-refundable application fee is due at the time the financial institution submits the guarantee package for AIDEA consideration.
  • A 2% one-time guarantee fee is due when AIDEA issues its guarantee to the financial institution.